Víc než jen škola

Support us financially

For now, the only way how to support us financially is a cash transfer to school. If you would like to donate to support spreading Czech culture and language, please send us and email. We will be happy to assist you and answer any questions.

Help us to find a space

Voní vám vzpomínky na Vánoce babiččinými vanilkovými rohlíčky?

Našli byste místo na uložení naší knižní sbírky, která je základem naší české knihovny, knižních klubů a tematických výstav?

Help with hosting our community and school activities, where the interest in the Czech culture makes up for the fluency in speaking?

Ozvěte se nám!

Join our partners

The support of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) is essential for us. OCDSB provides all the necessary logistical support including the online platform, and physical space for teaching.

We would not be able to organize our community activities as well as the library services without the financial gifts and grants from Czech Ministry of Foreign affairs and Czech Ministry of Education

None of this would be possible without the enthusiasm of our volunteers who translate, bake, give advice and support us in all sorts of other ways.
