St. Basil’s Catholic Church, 940 Rex Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
Come celebrate the joy of giving with Mikuláš, anděl and čert
Everyone is welcome, with or without children.

Mikuláš will have a treat bag for all good children (and a little potato for the rascal in all of them). Please don’t bring gifts for your child.
To cover the cost of the event, we will ask for $5 dollars per adult and child 3 years and older, e-transfer or cash at the door.
We will be doing traditional crafts such as halving apples to reveal fortunes and lighting candles on walnut half-shell boats to learn where life will take us in the coming year.
We ask that each child prepare a token of appreciation to Mikuláš in the form of a talent (a short song, poem or dance) or a piece of creative work (such as drawing or cutout).
If you like, bring a snack or treat for the potluck table.
Register by November 30.
Feel free to forward the invitation to friends and family.
Please note that young children must be accompanied by an adult.